
Showing posts from August, 2019

Grade 6 - ICT - Revision 05 - 2 - How to Draw a Flow Chart

What is Flow Chart? A Graphical Representation of Algorithm is called Flow Chart Symbols using in Flow Chart

Grade 6 - ICT - Revision 05 - Algorithm and Flow Charts

How to Solve Problems? *     Analyze the problem *   Get a Good understanding about the problem *   Process the problem solving in Input, Process and Output Process of Problem Solving 1.        Input                  -               Input the problem 2.        Process               -               Process them step by step 3.        Output                -               After process you get solution for the problem Problem   01 – How to make a Milk Tea Input                      -               Get Boil Water, Sugar, Milk, Tea leaves, tea spot, Cup, Spoon and Strainer Process                                 -      1 .   Put the tea leaves in the filter                                        2.   Pouring boiled water to the teapot through the filter                                        3.   Adding some sugar and milk to the teapot                                        4.   Stirring it well with a spoon                                        5.  

Grade 6 - ICT - Revision 04 - Using Mouse and Keyboard to use Application Software

What are the Task can do using a Computer ? 1.        Preparing Documents (Letters, Reports and Lesson Plans) 2.        Preparing Budget and Expenditure Reports 3.        Watching Video and Listening to Songs 4.        Searching Information on Internet 5.        Sending and Receiving Emails 6.        Play Computer Games Application Software can divide into 02 Types. 1.        General Purpose 2.        Special Purpose Application Software - To do a Particular Task you need to use software.              General Purpose 1.        Word processing - prepare letters and documents.           (MS Word) 2.        Spreadsheets - prepare budget reports, etc.                   (MS Excel) 3.        Web browsers - Search information on the internet.       (Google Chrome) 4.        Presentation – Prepare a Presentation                              (MS Power Point) 5.        Drawing - draw pictures.                                        

Grade 6 - ICT - Revision 03 - Operating System and File Management

  What is Operating System? Creating a Relationship between User and the hardware to manage other software in the computer is called Operating Systems Operating System Types 1.       Windows – Win 10, Win 7, Win Xp, Win 98, Win 95, Win 3.1 2.       Linux – Open Suse, Red Hat, Cent OS, Madrivira 3.       Mac OS – C atalina, Mojave, High Sierra, Sierra, Ei Capitan, Tosemite, Mountain Lain, Lion User Interface User Interface is given be the operating system to interact with user in different kinds of devices. Eg :- Desktop PC, Laptop, Smart Phone and Tabs File Types and Extensions 1.        Text Files              -              *.TXT, *. DOC, *. DOCX 2.        Image Files          -               *.JPEG, *. BMP, *. PNG 3.        Audio Files           -               *.MP3, *. WAV 4.        Video Files           -               *. AVI, *. MPEG Identify the Files and Folder File – A File is a collection of data and information, It is cont