Grade 6 - ICT - Revision 05 - Algorithm and Flow Charts

How to Solve Problems?

*   Analyze the problem
*  Get a Good understanding about the problem
*  Process the problem solving in Input, Process and Output

Process of Problem Solving
1.       Input                -              Input the problem
2.       Process             -              Process them step by step
3.       Output              -              After process you get solution for the problem

Problem  01 – How to make a Milk Tea

Input                     -              Get Boil Water, Sugar, Milk, Tea leaves, tea spot, Cup, Spoon and Strainer
Process                                -   1.  Put the tea leaves in the filter
                                      2.  Pouring boiled water to the teapot through the filter
                                      3.  Adding some sugar and milk to the teapot
                                      4.  Stirring it well with a spoon
                                      5.  Pouring milk tea into the cup
Output                 -              Cup of milk tea

Problem  02 – How to Add two numbers

Input                   -              Input 1st Number, Input 2nd Number
Process                -              Total = 1st Number + 2nd Number
Output                 -              Total

What is an Algorithm?
A methods to follow a step to solved a problem is called Algorithm

How to Write an Algorithm?              
ü  An algorithm must need to have start and Stop
ü  Writing the step by step in simple English

Example 01 – How to make a Milk Tea

Step 01                 -              Start
Step 02                 -              Put the tea leaves in the filter
Step 03                 -              Pouring boiled water to the teapot through the filter
Step 04                 -              Adding some sugar and milk to the teapot
Step 05                 -              Stirring it well with a spoon
Step 06                 -              Pouring milk tea into the cup
Step 07                 -              Taste the milk tea.
Step 08                 -              Serve the milk tea in a cup
Step 09                 -              Stop

Example 02 – How to add two numbers

Step 01                 -              Start
Step 02                 -              Input 1st Number
Step 03                 -              Input 2nd Number
Step 04                 -              Add 1st Number
Step 05                 -              Add 2nd Number
Step 06                 -              Display Total
Step 07                 -              Stop


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